Monday, August 20, 2007

Downtown Melbourne....(Florida)

I've always wanted to go to Australia, but Melbourne, Florida is as close as I've ever been.

Well, actually Hawaii was geographically closer, but Melbourne, Florida was named by a Melbourne, Australia transplant, so that means more in my book.

I took both of these one pleasant evening when Lovely Wife and I were moseying about the old downtown section of our Melbourne.

There's not really anything unique there, and there's nothing to buy there that you can't get in other towns, but it is a great place to stroll about.


CG said...

What a beautiful, vibrant pair of images...who needs Australia?

Bobkat said...

I would like to visit 'Down Under' too. This sounds like a pleasant place to visit though and while away some time.

I hope your brother and daughter are both doing well.