Thursday, October 25, 2007

Rain Tree

Florida might be too hot and not have enough hard wood trees for great fall colors like in other parts of the country, but we do have some.

My favorite tree that grows down here is the rain tree.

This is a baby rain tree that I came across and photographed. They bloom and produce seed pods in the fall every year, but don't lose their leaves.

The yellow blossoms are abundant and the reddish-brown thingamajigs are seed pods that fall and hopefully produce more trees.

This little sapling was really going to town with the blossoms and the seed pods as you can see.

I took some pictures of bigger rain trees last year and posted them on my other blog.

Go here if you want to see larger rain trees in all their fall color glory.

Update: A rain tree is called a rain tree because, in the sun, the leaves stay open, but at night or on heavily overcast days, the leaves close up.

Consequently, when it's overcast and rainy, the leaves are closed and rain goes right through the tree to the ground, as opposed to other thickly canopied trees that tend to block most of the rain.


imac said...

Nice tree and great shots John.

CG said...

Such a beautiful tree! Really like its colours against the blue sky!

Kerri Farley said...

Very nice..... I wonder why they are called "rain" trees?

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

so thats what they are called.i have been seeing them growing around our place in all their glory right now ..did not know the name..well, now i do. Thanks ..i intend to bring some of their color to my blog too, once i am done with my thesis :)

none said...

That's another one I've never seen or heard of. I'm getting an education here.

Mami said...

So that's what's in its full glory in my backyard. I had no idea why a raintree is called a raintree, so thanks for the explanation! They're beautiful. Now I'll pay more attention to them!