Sunday, March 2, 2008

Black and White #24

Folks, I'm sorry I haven't been visiting much lately.

Believe me when I say that I will make every effort to get around to everyone's blogs and catch up as soon as I can.

Life has been interrupting my blogging of late. It's all I can do to get something up here, and I haven't been posting every day like I want to.

Anyway, I'll be sure to visit y'all and catch up on all the good stuff I've been missing.

Take care.


imac said...

No worries John, just take care and catch up when you have the time, Im on catch up to after holls.

Nice to be back in Blog - Land.

Love these B/W shots John too.

Kerri Farley said...

Love these shots John! That first one is AWESOME!!!!

Ratzfatz said...

Hola John,
I am so sorry, I didn´t visit your blogg in the last "weeks". My job needs all my attention and power, so I don´t have time for any things. Sorry ...
I love the first one! But I would suggest for this fotos to use the golden 1/3 rule. That means 1/3 sky, 1/3 main object, which is for me the fog and 1/3 foreground. For me is the fog and the houses the main object.
But I have to say, a great idea and very nice motive.