Friday, February 8, 2008

The Green Lantern

Not a lantern exactly, but the title came to me in a moment of divine inspiration.

Or maybe the title came to me because all of all of those comic books I read when I was a kid and teenager.

On a foot bridge across Bayou Desiard on the campus of the University of Louisiana - Monroe in Monroe, Louisiana. My home town.

I have an associates degree from here. I have a bachelor of science from Louisiana Tech, about 40 miles from Monroe, in Ruston, Louisiana.

These two schools used to have a huge rivalry in football and other sports, but they don't play one another very often any more. That's a shame, it was a great money generator for both towns.

Having degrees from both schools allowed me to be on the winning team no matter which school's sports team beat the other.

I should have been a politician with such a great ability to sit on fences like that. You know, flip-flopping and switching sides.

I'm actually about 99% Louisiana Tech fan, 1% University of Louisiana - Monroe fan. My engineering degree required untold hours of difficult and tedious work because they are difficult to earn. No fluffy classes, all math, science, and engineering courses. I have much more sweat equity in my Louisiana Tech degree, so my loyalties are more to that school than the other when it comes down to it.


Anonymous said...


CG said...

Two very striking images. My favourite is the top one; great use of negative space and i like how that acid green contrasts with the sky.

imac said...

great planning to get great photos. Also a lot of sweat and swotting to get to these photos.
well worth the effort.
Well Done.

Mac's Macro now showing.

Anna said...

Love the first shot because it is off center! :) Really cool John.

lv2scpbk said...

I love both photos. The first one, gets right to the point and the 2nd one shows us everything that is there.